Xavier Ros Oton wins the María Andresa Casamayor National Youth Research Award

Xavier Ros Oton wins the María Andresa Casamayor National Youth Research Award

Xavier Ros Oton, ICREA researcher and professor at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Barcelona, received the María Andresa Casamayor National Youth Research Award in the category of mathematics and information and communication technologies.


Universitat de Barcelona

The National Research Awards granted by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation distinguish those researchers who stand out for their careers and international relevance in their areas of study. They also recognize the merit of young researchers (no more than forty years old) who have made significant achievements in the early stages of their careers. A total of twenty awards have been granted.

In the field of Mathematics and Information and Communication Technologies, the ‘María Andresa Casamayor’ National Research Award for young investigators has been granted to ICREA scholar and professor at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Barcelona, Xavier Ros Oton, for his development of new and fundamental techniques in the area of partial differential equations. Among these techniques, his study of free boundary problems modeling the transition between different states of matter stands out.


A career filled with recognition

Last July, Ros Oton was honoured with two Frontiers of Science Awards, prizes given by the Chinese government, that acknowledge the best articles in basic sciences during the past five years. The professor and researcher accumulates several awards and academic distinctions, thanks to his work in the field of partial differential equations, particularly in the theory of regularity of elliptic and parabolic equations. Among his most remarkable achievements are the Prix Rubio in France in 2017, the Fundación Princesa de Girona Awards in 2019, and the Stampacchia Medal in 2021. Furthermore, he has collaborated with other internationally renowned mathematicians such as the Argentine Luis Caffarelli and the Italian Alessio Figalli, and co-authored the book ” Regularity Theory for Elliptic PDE” with Xavier Fernández-Real. In late 2022, he was also appointed as a “corresponding academic” by the Royal Academy of Sciences.

For more information about Xavier Ros Oton, please visit the following link.

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